Sustainability is an important part of Rollco’s business and has a major focus in our operational and strategic work. It is not only a given for us to run a sustainable business, but also a requirement from our owner Addtech.
Our goals
Just like all companies within Addtech, we have measurable and time-bound goals in three focus areas, which clearly shows our ambition and direction. The goals support the UN’s global goals and 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. By building strong alliances with various partners, we secure development towards our 2030 goals and at the same time contribute positively to the development of the global challenges in sustainability.
More information about Addtech sustainability operations.
A constant work in progress
For many years now, we have been measuring and evaluating our sustainability work and reporting key figures to Addtech. Our biggest climate impact is emissions from the transport of goods, and therefore we have an extra strong focus on, together with both customers and suppliers, streamlining freight and finding alternatives with lower carbon footprint.
Here are some more examples of our work:
- Help our customers find sustainable and energy-efficient technical solutions.
- Require our suppliers to follow Addtech's code of conduct for suppliers.
- Use green energy as much as possible.
- Improve and streamline our production methods, e.g., to reduce spillage.
- Use environmentally friendly cars and choose to carpool when possible.
- Be an employer that stands for equality and diversity. We are proud that we have already achieved 40% women in leading positions.
- Offer our employees development opportunities, a good and safe working environment and occupational health services/preventive care.
Respect for employees and business partners, as well as the environment and the world around us
Our sustainability work means not only that we must meet quality and environmental requirements, but also that we must have a sustainable mindset when it comes to working conditions, environment, and ethics. We think this creates added value for our customers, suppliers, employees, and the society in which we operate. Therefore, we follow Addtech's code of conduct and policies for e.g., environment, equality, and diversity. If you believe that Rollco is not following the code of conduct, you can report it through Addtech's whistleblower function.